This program is experimental and its interface is subject to change.


nix daemon - daemon to perform store operations on behalf of non-root clients


nix daemon [option...]


  • Run the daemon:

    # nix daemon
  • Run the daemon and listen on standard I/O instead of binding to a UNIX socket:

    # nix daemon --stdio
  • Run the daemon and force all connections to be trusted:

    # nix daemon --force-trusted
  • Run the daemon and force all connections to be untrusted:

    # nix daemon --force-untrusted
  • Run the daemon, listen on standard I/O, and force all connections to use Nix's default trust:

    # nix daemon --stdio --default-trust


This command runs the Nix daemon, which is a required component in multi-user Nix installations. It runs build tasks and other operations on the Nix store on behalf of non-root users. Usually you don't run the daemon directly; instead it's managed by a service management framework such as systemd on Linux, or launchctl on Darwin.

Note that this daemon does not fork into the background.


  • --default-trust Use Nix's default trust.

  • --force-trusted Force the daemon to trust connecting clients.

  • --force-untrusted Force the daemon to not trust connecting clients. The connection will be processed by the receiving daemon before forwarding commands.

  • --stdio Attach to standard I/O, instead of trying to bind to a UNIX socket.

Logging-related options:

  • --debug Set the logging verbosity level to 'debug'.

  • --log-format format Set the format of log output; one of raw, internal-json, bar or bar-with-logs.

  • --print-build-logs / -L Print full build logs on standard error.

  • --quiet Decrease the logging verbosity level.

  • --verbose / -v Increase the logging verbosity level.

Miscellaneous global options:

  • --help Show usage information.

  • --offline Disable substituters and consider all previously downloaded files up-to-date.

  • --option name value Set the Lix configuration setting name to value (overriding nix.conf).

  • --refresh Consider all previously downloaded files out-of-date.

  • --version Show version information.


See man nix.conf for overriding configuration settings with command line flags.