Using Lix within Docker

Lix is available on the following two container registries:

To run the latest stable release of Lix with Docker run the following command:

~ » sudo podman run -it
Trying to pull

bash-5.2# nix --version
nix (Lix, like Nix) 2.90.0

What is included in Lix's Docker image?

The official Docker image is created using nix2container (and not with Dockerfile as it is usual with Docker images). You can still base your custom Docker image on it as you would do with any other Docker image.

The Docker image is also not based on any other image and includes the nixpkgs that Lix was built with along with a minimal set of tools in the system profile:

  • bashInteractive
  • cacert.out
  • coreutils-full
  • curl
  • findutils
  • gitMinimal
  • gnugrep
  • gnutar
  • gzip
  • iana-etc
  • less
  • libxml2
  • lix
  • man
  • openssh
  • sqlite
  • wget
  • which

Docker image with the latest development version of Lix

FIXME: There are not currently images of development versions of Lix. Tracking issue:

You can build a Docker image from source yourself and copy it to either:

Podman: nix run '.#dockerImage.copyTo' containers-storage:lix

Docker: nix run '.#dockerImage.copyToDockerDaemon'


$ docker run -ti lix